The biggest news of the past 1.5 months is the trip we took to Mexico. Avery, Greg and I went with Ted and Jamie at the end of March, and we had a great time. Wasn't quite the vacations of old, but it went well all in all. The resort, the Paradisus Riviera Cancun, was very well set up for families and babies. The food was good, Avery ate well and slept well, and we all had plenty of beach drinks. The weather was mainly great, only a couple of days of strong winds meant we couldn't hang out near the beach. Basically it was just very nice to get away and continue to learn how to cope (well) when travelling with a munchkin.
This past week I took my first business trip since Avery was born. It was a very quick overnighter in Toronto, with a full-day meeting on Thursday. There haven't been many times over the course of my career with the government that I have said the words, "that was a very good meeting, well worth the time to go, very informative," etc. This meeting was all that and more, since it ended a little bit early. :) We flew Porter to the island airport and it was everything good that I have been told. The Royal York was a very nice place to stay and I had a great sushi dinner with my mom at New Gen before I flew home. But on to the important stuff...I did miss Avery, but it was all over so quickly that I barely had time to worry. Greg did very well taking care of her, even coping with the 3am out-of-the-blue wakeup. Apparently Avery didn't miss me at all, but she was very happy to see me on Friday morning. And I was very happy to see her! (And Greg too, of course).
Greg and I were talking today about how things have changed, etc. And it is funny, but the thing we miss the most about our BA (before Avery) life , are the trips we made to Chapters/Starbucks on either Saturday or Sunday mornings. For those of you who didn't know we did this, we used to go there for a couple of hours, have a coffee and some breakfast, and I would read magazines and he would read books. It was a great way to chill out, kinda spend some time together, and I got to catch up on all the celeb gossip without having to actually waste money. Sigh...but if that is all that we really miss about before, I think we are doing fairly well. And it will probably only be about 10 more years before we can do it again! With kids in tow, of course. :)