Thursday, September 4, 2008

6 months old!!!

6 months old!
So I never meant for this blog to only get updated once a month to coincide with Avery becoming a month older, but it seems that is all that I am inspired to write about. I will try to pick up the pace just a little bit!

On that note, Avery turned 6 months old today. How the heck did that happen? It hit me the other day that I only have about 4.5 months left before I go back to work. Eeek! Really, I am of two minds about that. I was always pretty sure that I wasn't meant to be a stay-at-home mom, and now I am quite certain, but it will be heartbreaking to send Avery off to daycare. I guess it is for everyone. And speaking of daycare, that is my new project. No real progress yet, but I am hoping to get something resolved well before panic mode starts. I think that would be in December, so I still have a bit of time.

Avery stats are now 26.25 inches tall and 16 lbs 12 oz. I guess her growth rate is slowing down now because I was pretty sure she was going to be close to 18 lbs. I guess it just feels like that when I end up carrying her around a lot. Like today at the mall - nothing like carrying a grumpy baby while pushing bags in the stroller with the other hand! :)

She is quite the roller - definitely have to watch her on the change table at all times - but is mainly going in circles because she definitely prefers one direction. She can spin on her belly and is starting to do push-ups. She sometimes pushes backwards on a slippery floor and once in a while will hold a crawling position when she is put there, but collapse is imminent. She can sit up pretty well, though falling happens in all directions and without warning - usually as a result of something interesting catching her attention. She is now eating a fair bit of cereal and she's tried (and mostly liked) carrots and sweet potatoes. Bananas are a different story - much to her father's joy, she seems to be rejecting bananas. However, I like bananas and still find the puree to be revolting. So maybe when she moves on to a normal banana she won't hate it as much.

We (Avery, my mom and I) are heading to Switzerland next week for a 2-week vacation. Greg isn't coming because it is a bad time for him at work - he is hoping we will get to go sometime later, hopefully with kid#2 and when they are a little older and able to enjoy themselves. I am looking forward to the trip, as I haven't been there in about 15 years, but I am also a bit nervous. Mostly about the flight, but also about how Avery will adjust when we get there and whether she will keep the house up at night. On that, she is still very inconsistent with the sleeping. I noted Julie's comment about Nicholas being a better sleeper at 6 weeks than 6 months, and I think Avery falls into that category too. It seems to be getting a little better, and I am now making an effort to wait longer before I feed her - more like 4-5am instead of 2-3am. But she is still not good at soothing herself; hopefully that is something she will grow into. Maybe Liam can give her some lessons!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liam will tell Avery and Nicholas that they just need two good fingers and their own version of "Roo". It's great for now since Liam will soothe him self with these two things...but not sure when we will have to break him of those habits (will he be going to the prom with Roo???) I'll let you know:)