Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Turning over a new leaf...

This has to be some kind of (dubious) record - 4 months without a post! But as mentioned, I hope to be turning over a new leaf and blogging more often. The inspiration was that Greg and I went to see the movie Julie & Julia this evening and I remembered that I do actually like having a somewhat creative outlet. I also really like having a record of the goings-on in our lives and something to look back on. So I am going to give it a good try once again!

The movie was amusing - it was the first time in a long time that we have gone to the theatre together, for a movie that I wanted to see. The Julie Powell character was a little insipid - not sure if that was due to the acting, the writing or the person herself, but Meryl Streep was pretty funny and of course I enjoyed all of the food details. Thanks as usual to Sandy and Tim for babysitting!

I will do a bigger catch-up later, but in Avery news, she is doing well, growing quickly and apparently trying to take over the world, one boat at a time! (Though I was even a little nervous while this picture was being taken, I swear she was safe and there were lots of us around - she wasn't out on the open water or anything... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photo Lys! Good luck with your plan to blog more often - I hope you succeed where I'm failing miserably. :)