Thursday, July 15, 2010

Super Mom!

Ok, not really. But I do have moments when I am super-proud of my mom skills (but never my photography skills :).  Like today when I made playdough for Avery (with Micaela screaming the whole time).  Most people would not be as impressed with themselves as I am, but then, I don't have the Martha Stewart gene, nor am I a crafty person. So when I found this recipe and it actually worked out well, impressed I was. The Wilton food colouring gels work really well to get cool colours and you don't need to use a lot for each batch.  This pic is actually from the first time I made the playdough - today's colours were orange and yellow.


danakean said...

Don't be silly! Of course you are a super mom!!!!! I've never made playdough... i will have to try this recipe out:) I've heard though that if you use koolaid to make the colours it smells yummy too....

Julie said...

My mom's made playdough a bunch of times when we were little and has made some with Christine too (I will have to compare the last recipe she gave me to yours!) and she usually uses koolaid. It does smell really good and has good color as well - the only thing is it is not as good for younger kids who are still quite willing to put playdough in their mouths... :)

Unknown said...

that is what I was thinking - Avery is ALWAYS willing to put things in her mouth to try them out, so I didn't want to encourage her. We also have to watch out for the dog eating up spilled playdough. It comes right back up, in case you were wondering... :)