Sunday, May 11, 2008

Toronto Odyssey

4 generations of Pearce
Originally uploaded by The Herages
It has been a while, hasn't it, since I posted anything. That certainly doesn't mean nothing has been going on, but more that I just haven't managed to get the timing right to write out a whole post in one go. So on to the update...

At the end of April, Greg, Avery and I headed to Toronto to visit my family - pretty much all of my family and many friends as well! Greg headed home after the weekend (by flying with Porter and hanging out with Stephane Dion on the plane - ok, he didn't really talk to him but they were on the same plane at the same time :), and I stayed for another week. During that time Avery and I visited with my mom, dad, grandmother, various aunts and uncles, my university friends, my high school friends and a friend from my old work. Avery was a star through the whole thing! I, on the other hand, was a little tired by the end of it. :)

Special thanks to my mom for putting up with us the whole week (though I don't think she really minded), to my dad and Cassandra for hosting a great party and letting us see most of the family all in one go, to Andrea (Rabel) Comeau for having a lovely baby shower for us, and to all our other friends and family who had us over for visits.

Super smiles!
Avery turned 2 months old while we were there - as of last Tuesday (9 weeks), she weighed13 lbs 5 oz and was 23.5 inches in length, apparently a little above average on both counts. I think I misstated her length in one of my earlier posts, because I don't think she has been shrinking or anything! She's a pretty happy baby and seems to enjoy life, even though she only poops once every 2-3 days. I keep thinking I've seen the biggest poops ever and she keeps surprising me. Yesterday I had to wash the cover of her little rocker chair among other things because there was leakage everywhere...hopefully she will grow out of this phase sooner rather than later!

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