Thursday, October 16, 2008

A sleep question...

As I mentioned many times before, Avery does not sleep super-well at night. And her patterns are constantly changing. Last week she had a thing going where she nursed and then went to bed at about 8-ish. She was up again like clockwork between 10:30 and 11:30 pm, at which point her diaper was usually saturated and she was more than willing to feed again. I changed her, then would feed her, and then she went back to sleep fairly easily after that. Then she would be up again between 2-3 am, diaper full again, and we changed her again. Getting her back to sleep after that was usually much more difficult. So more often than not, we gave in and brought her into bed with us. Needless to say, she loves it and sleeps "like a baby" in our bed.

So my question is, any ideas why she is soaking her diaper so much during the night? This is a relatively new thing and she still pees normal amounts during the day. Of course, everything has already changed again - last night she didn't wake up until about 2am and her diaper wasn't that wet, so who knows what tonight will bring. Tonight I am going to try giving her a teddy bear from my mother-in-law when she wakes at 2am - this teddy has a removable pouch that you can microwave to warm up and then put it back in the bear. I am hoping snuggling up to the warm bear will feel the same as snuggling up to mommy or daddy. :)

In other news, I have started to wean Avery and it is going fairly well. Some discomfort now and then, but she is taking bottles fairly well. And by the way, spinning class is hard! Jen-Anne McNeill is our instructor and boy is she keen. It is a really good workout and especially for me because I have never done much biking, but boy is my butt sore afterwards. And speaking of sore, we are curling again tomorrow. My knee is still bruised two weeks later from the last attempt. Maybe I will take a picture of it this time if there is anything good to see. I didn't curl last week because I was sick, and the team won without me. Greg is likely not going to curl this week - I am not so sure we are going to win without him and with me instead. I will keep you updated! :)


haggaret said...

Sorry Lys, no ideas on the baby front. :)

WRT spinning - I've been thinking that I'd like to give that a try. I very briefly IM'd with Dana about it and thought about checking out a class. I have no idea how it would compare to cycling on the road, but at least it would hopefully get me out of this inactive state I seem to be stuck in.

Good luck at curling tonight!

Unknown said...

You should come on Thurs night with us - there are always drop-in people and I think it would cost about $10. I can check with Jammer if you are interested.