Saturday, October 18, 2008

Update on curling and sleeping...

Since I am sure you are all burning to know how curling and sleeping went last night, I thought I would share. We won at curling and Avery kinda slept through the night! In all, I would say it was a pretty good night.

Greg ended up skipping our game and Andrew and I threw 3 rocks each, while Rory threw the last two. I was not much help in the game, but thankfully the other team wasn't having a great night. There really are so many things to think about you are throwing...getting the handle right, aim, balance, weight, etc. There is always at least one that I completely forget about. The whole thing really reminds me of golf where it is so easy to overthink things. And then there is my knee. I don't have great balance as it is, and I basically fall on my sore knee every time I throw. Today it is swollen and bruised again, and I am starting to get concerned that it is more than just a bad bruise. The swollen part feels a little like there is gel in there when I touch it. I'll give it a couple of days again and then maybe think about seeing the doctor.

So the sleeping - Ted and Jamie babysat for Avery and said she didn't hardly make a sound the whole time we were gone. Greg and I finally went to bed around 1:30am and Avery starting whimpering around 3-ish, I think. We had decided we weren't going to go check on her (or change her diaper) unless she really started screaming and after about 5-10 mins she quieted down and went back to sleep. I think the fact that Greg and I were so tired helped us wait out the crying, because neither of us had the energy to get up! We all basically slept in until about 8am, with a quick feeding at 6am. Avery diaper was totally soaked, and it had leaked a little around the edges of her diaper shirt, but she didn't seem to mind. So maybe the middle of the night diaper changes really aren't necessary.

We shall see what tonight brings - I don't have high hopes since I just heard her moaning a little and she has only been asleep for about an hour at this point. Sigh....


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear last night went well. As for the leaking diaper issue...have you thought about using a diaper that is one size bigger at night? We have done this for Liam for many months after I bought and tried pretty much every brand of diaper I could find. He was leaking through his diaper almost every night. I found changing brands did not work for us, but the bigger size did the trick. We still have the occasional mishap, but on the whole it has worked well for us. Hope this helps!

Julie said...

We also do the bigger diaper at night! We haven't yet very much with Nicholas, but with Christine, we definitely found that when she was getting near a size change that we could get another month or so of the smaller size diaper if we used the bigger ones at night. It totally did the trick for us.

Also, I think you guys are onto something with letting Avery whimper by herself... it's been working for Nicholas. We've been a week and a half or so now where he's slept through all but 2 nights, and that's because he has a cold. I keep his door closed so I can't hear the whimpering as much (pretty much at all), but I can easily hear the crying so I know that he actually needs something then. Perhaps she will learn to self-soothe when given enough of a chance?? Good luck!!

Unknown said...

Thanks guys...Amy I misunderstood what you were saying at the market the other day - I thought you meant we should try her in the next size up all the time. But just at night makes good sense. That will be my next plan of attack!

The whimpering plan is working ok, but since we have the monitor on still, I still listen to all of it. Note I said "I" and not "we". :) But at least I'm not getting out of bed all the time. Now it is just the constant questioning, "Is that a real cry? Is she going to stop?" You know what it is like...

Julie said...

Except that I've never had a monitor in my room... :) I guess I shouldn't say never - I have it on when the fan or air conditioner is on in the summer, but that's it. I figure if they're not loud enough for me to hear through the door, then they don't actually need me. Maybe that makes me a bad mother... I'll fully admit to being a selfish for her sleep mother - which ends up helping to make me a better mother during the day! :)

danakean said...

ha! sign me up as a bad mom. I can not sleep with a monitor on in my room. I think we had one in the bedroom for two weeks at the most with david before I put it in the basement. For sure if she really needs something, you will know it! Get some sleep girl!!!