Wednesday, January 14, 2009

10 months old, a new start and catching up...

10 months old
I started writing this post about 1.5 weeks ago and never finished it. I figured I might as well put it up now anyway, and then try hard to catch up with the rest of our lives. One of these days...

So Avery is now 10 months old...almost two weeks ago actually and I am only now getting around to writing about it. And it isn't as if I've been good about blogging otherwise. Oh well, I suspect it is only going to get worse because I am going back to work on Monday!!!! How the heck did that happen? I think I am still in denial. I suppose that will end fairly quickly. Using my brain again will be the real challenge! Not to mention getting up before 6 every morning. Avery started daycare this week, and we've been practicing getting up on time. It's going ok, though there isn't the pressure of drying my hair, putting on makeup and trying not to let her make my clothes messy before we leave. Watch me panic on Monday morning though, and this darn OCTranspo strike isn't going to help. But I know there are many many people far worse off than me!

Now that those important concerns are out of the way, how is Avery actually doing at daycare? Pretty good I think. She started on Monday and is going a little longer each day. She doesn't even notice when I leave and just starts playing with the various toys. She is a little quiet when I pick her up, but I hope that is just from all the stimulation and getting used to a new routine. Tomorrow she'll go for the whole day and hopefully it will all be fine! Getting her to nap and have her bottles properly there will take some time, but at least she is eating really well. Just like a good Herage/Pearce.

At the 10 month mark the little miss is crawling around very quickly, is constantly standing up with the assistance of everything, she's cruising and starting to transfer herself from one support to another. She is now saying "dada" regularly, though I think it sometime gets mixed up with "ta ta", which is what we say to her when we don't want her to touch something. I think she is also saying some form of "book" but it doesn't come out all that clearly.

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