Thursday, February 25, 2010

One month old and keeping trucking along...

Micaela is already one month old.  Hard to believe it has gone by so fast and yet harder to believe she hasn't been around longer.  She is doing very well - yesterday she was up to 9lbs 11.5 oz, which could be because she is feeding all the time!  She is still eating every 3 hours at night, sigh, which doesn't help much in the sleep department. She is getting way more alert, and has maybe even smiled intentionally a couple of times in my direction.  She isn't a big fan of the car seat, but is usually fine when we get moving in the car.  Maybe she has a need for speed like her mother! :)

Avery is still enjoying being a big sister, though maybe not enjoying the 2-year old growing pains as much.  Bedtime continues to be totally inconsistent - some nights she is so tired she doesn't even want all her stories, other nights it takes us multiple attempts to get her to calm down.  Everytime we have another bedtime disaster I feel like I am failing at this mother gig, and it makes me even more worried to be alone with both of them for any extended period of time.  It doesn't help that Micaela is most fussy between 6 and 9, and needs a bunch of attention and many feedings.  So I guess we'll find out whether I can handle it tomorrow night when Greg goes curling.  I have approximately one plan of attack and if it all goes south (as it did tonight), the TV may be what I resort to.  Sigh again.  Also a little curious when Greg is going to attempt to be alone with them.  Maybe when I play frisbee in May - we shall see.

We've had a ton of visitors over the last few weeks - my mom was here when Micaela was born and then again a couple of weeks later.  My dad and Cassandra came a few weeks ago, and then Dan and Andrea came from Calgary.  We really appreciate all of the help everyone has given us, as well as all of the food and presents from our friends and family!

We took a quick trip over to the Haggerty's for Micaela's first photo shoot with Amy.  She took some awesome shots, which will be made into a birth annoucement shortly.  Otherwise, the only excitement we have on the horizon is Avery's 2nd birthday.  I can't believe it is here already.  We are going with a family party this year, but plan to put the emphasis on her kid friends next year.  I am going to attempt another cake - I am sure that will be worthy of a post, as this will be going way out of my comfort zone!  Stay tuned...

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