Friday, December 3, 2010

10 months old...

Micaela is now 10 months old (actually 10 months and a week old already).  She is officially crawling, trying to pull herself up to standing, getting into things she shouldn't be (i.e. eating rocks out of the planters - maybe she saw Connor eating rocks one too many times!), and eating more and more real food.  She does still enjoy her pureed goodness though. She has her two front bottom teeth, and I think one of the top front ones is on the way.

Mikes seems to be starting to say some words...we could have sworn she has said "Avery" in one form or another a few times, as well as Dada, Mama, and maybe dog.

She is a pretty happy kid, though it seems that teething takes a lot out of her. She is a good napper, and a good night sleeper until about 1am when she wakes up pretty determined not to sleep in her crib. This habit is not helped by mommy and daddy's lack of will to make her sleep in her crib, so she sleeps the rest of the night with us...But I have a plan! The first two weeks in January are going to be "cut the cord" time - when we will work on a little sleep-training with her. She doesn't really know this yet, so I figure we'll let her have a nice Christmas before breaking it to her on Jan 3rd-ish.  Which will coincide quite conveniently with her more-or-less full-time start at daycare.  Should be fun times! :)

One thing that occurred to me the other day...this was basically the age at which I went back to work after being on maternity leave with Avery. This time around I can't imagine not having this last 1.5 months.  And boy do I plan on enjoying it! With the kids, of course... :)

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