Saturday, March 17, 2012

Little Miss #1 is 4 years old!

Good morning 4 year old!

Micaela modelling Avery's birthday presents

Avery turned 4 two weeks is that possible? It also seems impossible that I was 32 when she was born - was I ever that young and how did I think I was ready to be a mother then? Still so immature in so many ways. But I digress...she's 4 years old. Crazy!!!

So who is Avery at the tender age of 4? She is still in that in-between world of baby behaviour contrasted with occasional teenager attitude. Was it My Little Pony that taught her that, or Barbie?Anyway, she is a very perceptive and observant, remembering things that we never expect she would. She can be quite loving and concerned about others, but also completely oblivious at times to how her actions impact others. She is starting to be interested in Mikes and in "helping" her, but oftentimes Micaela isn't too interested in being helped or in listening to what Avery has instructed her to do. You can imagine my delight when Avery finds that frustrating. I have tried to pass along the life lesson, but I don't think Avery has quite internalized it yet :) Avery can be quite bossy, always trying to organize the other kids. I can't imagine where she gets that from...honestly, I am pretty sure neither Greg or I were like that as kids, but then again, we are both first-borns. Hmmmm....I'll put that on the list to ponder later. Avery still loves clothes, jewelry and makeup, but she does voluntarily where pants sometimes now, rather than summer dresses all winter long like last year. She still doesn't listen particularly well at home and now it seems like it is more because she doesn't agree with what we are asking her to do, rather than before when it was more about not actually hearing or paying attention. However, all that to say that she is pretty responsible and listens well when we are out of the house, and that is really far important! She also still loves to meet new kids and makes friends right away. When Greg took her to Cosmic Adventures, apparently it too about 7.5 seconds before she was calling after a little boy, saying "Boyfriend? Boyfriend, wait for me..." Oh boy, what are we in for??? :)

Avery's birthday weekend was absolutely jam-packed. My mother came to stay for the weekend, which the girls loved. After Micaela's soccer class and Avery dance class on Sat am, we headed off to the RCMP Musical Ride Open House at the stables at the bottom of St. Laurent Blvd. It was great - lots for the kids to do and see, very accessible horses and Mounties, and it was totally free with a food bank donation requested. I would highly recommend it the next time they have an event - for anyone, but especially those with little kids.

Greg set up the tent in our loft again over the weekend - the girls had a great time with that and I am sure at least Avery would have slept in there for the night except there was a blackout right at bed time while my mom was babysitting (we were out for Brent's 40th birthday dinner), and after that there was no way anyone was going in the tent that night. However, during the day Avery did take the time to make a special sign - NO CATS ALLOWED!!! :)

After a nice breakfast on Sunday morning, my mom, Avery and I headed out to the spa for her first real pedicure. Needless to say, the kid loved it. That just might have been the beginning of a lifelong addiction - at least mine didn't start until I was 25. I guess I had better save my pennies until she is old enough to get a part-time job. After that Nana and Grampa Kelly arrived to hang out with the girls while we got ready for the joint Avery/Micaela birthday party at the gymnastics centre. That was our attempt to make up for Micaela's cancelled party when she was sick, but of course it was the Avery show most of the day. Thankfully Micaela is too young to notice, or actually care. I'm not sure that that sort of thing will ever bother her though...

The gymnastics party was really fun - with the kids from daycare, the Fergusons, Jaida Lawson and cousin Jacob. All of the rugrats really seemed to enjoy going crazy in the gym, and the crowning glory was the rainbow My Little Pony cake, courtesy of Chelsea Ferguson. Thanks again to Chelsea and all the Fergusons - we all thought it was fantastic. So now that we had the great Sleeping Beauty cake from Dana last year, and this year's rainbow concoction, how will that be matched for next year? Sigh...I'll put that on my list of things to worry about later.

To top the whole weekend off, because that clearly wasn't enough, Greg took Monday off and had a special day with Avery. They went to Cosmic Adventures and then to a movie, just the two of them. I think they both really appreciated the time together. Of course, Avery wanted a repeat on Thursday, but even Greg has limits!

So after that crazy weekend, going back to work seem relaxing...thank goodness it isn't always crazy like that! Till next year...

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