Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February 2012 Resolution

Guess what? Tomorrow is Feb 1st...it just occurred to me today that if I was going to keep up with the monthly introductions of my 2012 resolutions, I had better come up with one quickly. So I thought about the options, as all of these are going to have to happen at some point this year - resolve to get back to a good face-cleaning regime at night before bed; get back on weight watchers; or work on the exercise part of my life. However, I'm really not committed to accomplishing any of those things yet. So tonight, when it was clear that our family dinner plans had gone awry, I decided to resort to my favourite guilty pleasure meal *Dirty little secret alert*: Takeout Wendy's after the kids have gone to bed.

So this is one of my worst habits - getting a hamburger/fries combo, with Diet Coke, and eating it after 8:30pm. Seriously - what sounds smart about that??? And I do this approximately once a week. Sigh...I am totally ashamed, but I rarely regret it after. If only I got a stomachache or something, it would be much easier to convince myself not to do it.

Anyhoo, the point to all of this is that my February resolution will be to stop getting Wendy's takeout late at night, and definitely not eating it once a week. I'm not saying that I won't ever eat Wendy's again, but it will be very rarely and only when it is the "only" option. Like on a car trip to Toronto and we all need a little breather (and a meal). So wish me luck - this is a bad habit I have tried to break before and I always pick up the habit again.

And for an update on the morning coffee making and less Starbucks buying: these January resolutions are going awesomely! I haven't missed a day yet - even day one when I thought I was going to break the Starbucks buying part, but then I never managed to buy an afternoon coffee. I had a really bad headache that night - but at least I didn't fail on my first day! :)

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