Saturday, July 12, 2008

Avery at 4 months...

Note: I started writing this post on July 5th-ish, but am actually finishing it on July 12th - not sure what the date will be when it gets posted.

Avery at 4 months

Yet more time has passed between postings, and it seems I am now just trying to keep up with the major milestones. Avery was 4 months old on July 4th, Independence Day coincidentally because she seems to be getting more and more independent all the time. She can now roll both from back to front and front to back (with varying degrees of success), which means I can't really take my eyes of her when she is on the playmat, lest she roll with any speed into the wall. I've said it before and I will say it again, thank goodness for the Jolly Jumper when I am trying to cook or to just get a little bit of a break!

Why wear socks when you can eat them??

I am going to go ahead and guess that she is about 25-26 inches long now, and somewhere between 15-16 pounds - she is now in six 3 diapers. We are no good at weighing and measuring her at home, but she will be going to the doctor next week for her 2nd vaccinations and we'll get the real story then. She has been doing fun things like putting her feet in her mouth for a couple of weeks now, and she has gone swimming in our pool a couple of times this summer.

Avery swimming in our pool for the first time
The pool is pretty chilly, so I think she mostly just tolerates it for my sake rather than actually enjoying the experience. Hopefully that will change as the pool warms up. You will note her stunning orange swimming ensemble in the pic - it is from Sunseals (a Canadian company) and while it was not cheap, it seems to be doing the trick to keep the sun off her since we aren't supposed to use sunscreen yet.

Today we have an impromptu swim visit from the Fergusons, which turned into afternoon beers, and then morphed into dinner. If there is one thing I love about mat leave (other than watching Avery grow up) it is that I am enjoying being more social on weekends, worrying less about getting chores done and fitting in everything I need to do before going back to work on Mondays. It is so nice just to lounge around and not worry about time passing too quickly!

Greg has been on parental leave with me since the end of June - things are going pretty well (neither of us has gone postal on the other one yet :) and we are even getting some things done around the house. It will be a bit of a shock when he goes back to work in August, as I will have to start coming up with ways to fill the days for Avery and I again. My plan is start her on solids in early August, so that should hopefully provide both of us with some entertainment and maybe even bring some structure to our days - we certainly don't have any of that now!!! :)

Speaking of lack of structure, each night seems to bring a new sleeping adventure. Avery is always waking up at least once in the early morning and wants to be fed. If it was always 4am or 5am, I could understand that. But sometimes it is 1am, sometimes 3am, and sometimes 5am. I can't tell if it is something waking her up (like the animals), that she just wakes up and can't soothe herself back to sleep, or if she really is hungry at each of these times. At any rate, I almost always end up feeding her and then trying to convince her to sleep again. Usually Greg ends up rocking her for a while, which means neither of us gets much continuous sleep. So who really knows. The next thing we are going to try is to move her crib back into her room from our bedroom, hopefully this weekend. Public health recommends babies stay in their parents' room until 6 months, but we've already had her with us longer than most people we know (except for the Lawsons), and I think it is time. Hopefully this will result in better sleep all around! :)

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Speaking from experience, you will DEFINETLY sleep better with no baby in the room...yet, I don't learn from my own experiences! :)

See you this week-end, I'll give you a shout later today...