Tuesday, November 4, 2008

8 months and counting...

Avery in motion-ish
As you may have guessed, Avery is now 8 months old. Honestly, could the time be flying any quicker??? Sure, there are still some days that seem to drag on forever, but mostly I can't even remember what it was like when she was really little. Thank goodness I have been using this blog to record at least some of the memories!

So - what is Avery up to these days? Well, push-ups, crawling/sliding backwards, turning in circles, sitting up and the occasional faceplant. So far there is almost no forward momentum. She crawled forward a couple of paces last Sunday at Gramma and Grampa's house, but has shown no interest in repeating the feat. None of her toys seem exciting enough for her to really work to get them. When she did crawl, it was because she was after my foot. So I imagine it won't be long, but then again, neither Greg nor I will be surprised if she skips real crawling and goes straight to walking. She loves to stand! She uses our fingers to pull herself up and each day she does more of the work herself. Her balance and core strength is not good, but her legs seem pretty strong. Must be all the jolly jumper workouts. They should make those for adults. :)

Eating is still going well and she has tried a good number of foods. Favourites are still the sweeter veggies, yougurt, most of the meats (she has tried beef, lamb, chicken, fish and pork), puffed wheat and cheerios. However, anything with texture that doesn't melt in her mouth is rejected after only a couple of bites. So far this includes cheese, tofu and grated apple. I am going to try pear with her next, but I am waiting for the pears to ripen a little more.

I am not sure about her height and weight, but I am guessing she's about 17.5-18 pounds now. I suppose I could measure her height myself - one of these days. Lately I have been getting comments that she seems delicate/petite or very small for her age, so I hope she is still on the right track. But she still has her thigh chunk and wrist indents, so I don't think she has become too skinny or anything. She seems pretty healthy to me!

The smiling turtle
Avery's first Halloween came and went and she dressed up as a turtle, courtesy of Aidan Ferguson. We took her around to a couple of houses, mama got a little candy, and then we came home to hand out our own candy. It was a bit complicated because Greg was at curling (he couldn't skip it as well, because we are half the team after all), so I fed Avery her dinner in the front hall, kept Trus on a leash so that he wouldn't jump up at the kids who came to the door and handed out candy until it ran out. When it did, I blew out the pumpkin candle thinking that would indicate to the kids that we were done for the night - but they rang the doorbell anyway. So I turned out the porch light as well, making it extremely dark on our walkway - and they still came. So I stopped answering the doorbell. But there was one persistent little trick-or-treater who rang the bell twice and then knocked. I answered the door and told him I had no more candy (because he obviously wasn't going away without a reason), and then he apologized and said he was sorry to have annoyed me. Ahh, kids...they'll do almost anything for a little candy! :)

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