Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fun with the green garbage bin...

And the green bin saga continues...I thought we didn't need to use the bin liner bags in our big green garbage bin. Result = green garbage frozen to the bin, and the garbage truck didn't take it away a few weeks ago. Therefore, after my MIL worked to get all the frozen garbage out of the bin while we were away (I know, I do have the best MIL in the world), the green bin is now lined with a large garden wate bag. Today's result = most green garbage left with the truck. Almost empty garden bag = frozen to the frozen garbage in bottom of bin. Could have been worse, but man, I almost had a freakout when I saw the bag still hanging out of the bin. I mean, there are only so many times you can go without having the green garbage taken away :) Next challenge: getting the City of Ottawa to respond to my request for a new bin for free because the truck broke ours ages ago. Good luck to me!

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