Sunday, January 29, 2012

The 2-year old monkey!

Happy birthday morning, 2-year old!
Christmas elf
Micaela is 2!!! This is a little after the fact but within a week of the actual date - that is pretty much a miracle. Mikes at 2 is just more of the same...super-cute and crazy stubborn. Thank goodness she is cute! She is a study in contradictions - at times very shy and scared of loud noises, and at other times she is chatty, super-outgoing and loves adventure. Her first time tobaggoning she couldn't get enough. She is fiercely independent, determined to do things her own way, but also a sucky little Daddy's girl when it is convenient. And of course Greg eats that up! :)


Micaela is pretty steady physically, and is a pretty good talker. She started a little soccer class on the weekends and she really loves to run around the gym - though she is less than interested in the ball. She loves reading, colouring, and watching TV - and she is always interested in what her big sister is up to. Micaela absolutely hates to be left at home when Avery gets to go out and do something. I suspect her naps are going to go by the wayside sooner rather than later. She is doing really well with the potty training - really good during the day at Linda's and at home, though going out is still a little dodgy because Mikes is a little afraid of public bathrooms. They are noisy you know! :) As if there was an internal timer set, Mikes also started having an opinion about her clothes this week. Nothing that was picked out for her was good enough, and she even second-guessed what she picked out. Super fun - love that little personality quirk!

Chocolate birthday cake!
So thankfully she was actually in good health on her actual birthday - this past weekend when we were supposed to have her birthday party? Not so much. A combo stomach bug and head cold did her in. I think we will probably just do a joint party for the two of them when it is Avery's birthday - now it's going to have to be something a little more interesting...I am thinking party at the gymnastics centre. And I guess we had better get used to birthday plans being derailed by colds/flus/gastro bugs. With two winter birthdays, it is very unlikely that we will manage to have them both healthy for their birthdays in a given year. was a very trying weekend. Anyway, hopefully this is the worst for the season and we'll be on to more exciting adventures.

1 comment:

Colleen McDermott said...

she's still one of my most favourite facebook characters!