Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 - A year in review

I am determined to bang this post out in one that it is actually posted on a reasonable date. To that end, I am not going to include pictures now, but will add a few later. Pictures = complications!

The major events of this past year really included my stepsister Shelly's wedding in June, and various other trips to Toronto. We didn't do any other major trips or have any interesting holidays, but it was a busy year nonetheless trying to figure out the routine with me back at work starting in mid-January. I was definitely dreading my return to work, not because I don't enjoy my job and the people I work with (which I most certainly do!), but more because going back to work the first time was pretty challenging trying to learn how to juggle everything. Overall, I would say this time around was nowhere near as bad - of course there are phases of everything seeming so overwhelming and frustrating and like it is never all going to get done, but overall I think we have the work-life balance somewhat in check. Greg might disagree...he is always concerned that I work too much - and that is something I need to keep in mind. As hard as it is likely to be, I am going to stop worrying so much about advancing at work, and just enjoy this phase. In all, I/we have a pretty sweet gig with our jobs - assuming we still have them come Budget time.

Our latest drama has been all about the computers - I had a work reject computer at home for the last while. It came in handy for remote access purposes, and it was far better than the hunk of junk we had been using (my brother-in-law's cast-off from his university days, circa 2001?). Anyway, the work computer has been slayed by some kind of virus and work doesn't loan out its reject machines anymore. We are all supposed to be getting laptops, but I am not sure when that will happen for me. In the meantime, it is back to the 2001 machine, or the "freecycle" machines Greg gifted himself with from the side of the road. So at this point, I think we have at least 4 crappy towers at home, Greg's work laptop, I might get a work laptop one of these days, and we are thinking about buying one. I was more or less convinced about getting the MacBook Pro, but spending that kind of money doesn't really seem prudent at the moment. Sigh...the office is getting a little crowded (with junk!).

The Christmas season was pretty good - we had an "open house" party in December that seemed to be quite a success. It was a little crowded and I learned a few more lessons for the next time. Hopefully we can continue to make it an annual event. We had Christmas here in the Odot with Greg's family and my mom, then moved the party to the Tdot for a few days, which was very luckily combined with an impromptu visit from Uncle Dan. As always, it was great for the girls to get to spend time with him (though we missed Auntie A), and we'll have to make more effort to get out to Calgary for some visits. Or Auntie A and Uncle Dan could move east...Anyhoo, once again the girls received way too many presents. Next year we are going to have to be really diligent about limiting the number, especially given that their birthdays follow so quickly after. Avery was in her element opening presents, but not so understanding of the concept of "giving". She was also more than happy to open Micaela's presents - though it could be the last time she gets away with it. We are also going to have to work a little harder on the "giving back" concept and giving to those who are less fortunate. The January toy purge is going to be interesting.

And some observations on the girls at this stage: Micaela will be two in a few weeks. She is still a little monkey, mischievous and headstrong, in both a good and bad way. She is quite shy and loud noises frighten her, and yet she is a little daredevil ( problem!), and can be very chatty, loves to sing, and is even outgoing at times. As long as it is on her own terms... :) Avery will be four in March and has matured a ton. She is starting to listen more (maybe wishful thinking on my part), is really good at creative play, loves to dance, and is still into all things girlie. She is very social and always wants to go meet new people - she's very good at integrating herself into the activities of other families at the park for example - and she is definitely looking forward to starting JK in the fall. Full day kindergarten for her...not so sure what our daycare solution is going to be and I am a little sad to think she won't be going to Linda's anymore. Oh well, a few months to go yet.

A favourite anecdote from this year - it can be very challenging getting the kids out the door in the morning, particularly when winter gear is involved. One morning this fall I was trying to get them ready, only to be frustrated at every turn. At one point I had them both sitting on the stairs, Avery whining and flopping instead of zipping up her sweater, saying "I can't do it...can you help me?" even though she definitely can do it on her own. Micaela, on the other hand, was trying to do up her own sweater, saying, "I do it. I do it!" instead of letting me help her. And, of course, she can't do it on her own!! That was one of the crazy mornings...and I am sure there are a few more to come. But then, they are so darn cute!!!

On tap for 2012: again, no major plans as of yet. Sorting out the computer drama, making some progress on home reno projects (that damn gazebo is coming down this year!!! And hopefully we will rebuild the back deck too), maybe a summer beach adventure, Greg's impending 40th birthday (maybe a trip to Vegas???), and the usual day-to-day chaos...setting up to be another busy one! I also have approximately 40 New Year's resolutions - I want to do a post about those as well, because of the whole "write it down, and publicly commit to them" philosophy, but I worry that I won't quite make it happen. Sigh...and I didn't like the looks of any of the apps that are available. Oh well, resolution post (maybe) to come.

Happy 2012 everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And in case anyone is interested...I did it in one sitting. That could be the first time ever. Now to wake up the kids... :)