Friday, January 13, 2012

2012 Resolutions - January edition

New Year's resolutions...such a loaded concept. I always have a ton of things that I want to make better about myself. And I thought I was going to have about 40 resolutions all carefully detailed into separate categories. And...of course that didn't happen. But I have decided on a few different "changes" to work in the money category. I'm also pleasantly surprised that I am pretty much sticking to them so far! Some of the others have already dropped off the table, or are on temporary hiatus, but I have come up with a new plan. I am going to introduce some new resolutions every month - working on a different category each time. And I am going to try and blog about how I am doing. TRY I delusions that I will keep it up!

So the catgegory for Janaury is money matters as I mentioned. I make a decent salary and yet, I never seem to be saving much money. I have a few completely frivolous habits, that I never feel very good about doing after the fact. The two that come to mind first are: 1) too many coffees at Starbucks, and 2) too many trashy magazines. The directly resulting resolutions are therefore: 1) I am only allowed to purchase one coffee per day at Starbucks, and 2) NO MORE trashy magazines!  Basically, I won't be buying the magazines anymore. If I really want to read a story, I am either going to find it online or read it at Chapters. I can do just makes so much more sense and I won't have to feel guilty about wasting so much money. On the Starbucks front, I am really not interested in decreasing my caffeine intake. Instead, I was just getting into the bad habit of buying too many coffees even though I have a perfectly good coffee maker at home, I can buy Starbucks beans in bulk at Costco and make my own in the morning. Then I get to buy one in the afternoon for a little treat. Cross my fingers, this is actually working so far. I haven't figured out exactly how much this is going to save me, but I am guessing it is in the order of $700/year. As for the trashy mags, it could be as much as $2-300/year. Or maybe more...

The last thing I am doing is "paying myself first". I have set up an automatic transfer into my savings account for the same day that I get paid. I am going to make sure I have a minimum balance in there, that will increase with each pay period. When it gets to a substantial enough amount, I'll figure out something to do with it. Like contribute to my RRSP - how totally exciting!!! :)

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